A Daily Lifestyle Journal of Green Living.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1/6/11: Greener Work

Today I went out to look at three buildings that I are Historically Certified in Philadelphia. Three buildings that have been protected from the possibilities of significant architectural alterations that would affect their historical significance in our city. Historical Preservation has always been an interest of mine, even as a student. Preserving materials in these buildings, reusing architectural salvage in order to repair or renovate is a sustainable choice, a greener choice. As I work on preparing drawings for historical commission and permit submission I am happy to be partaking in greener work.

1/5/11: Waste Not

As I took the Christmas ornaments off of the tree this evening, I began wondering how many people cared whether or not their Christmas tree would be disposed of in an ecologically friendly manner. Fortunately, a fellow Entrepreneur and "greenie" Alma Nazario posted information on her Facebook page that I thought would be helpful for those who needed the information:

Queens Village Neighborhood Association 
215 339-0975

University CityLocation: Clark Park at 43rd and Chester streets
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Early Drop Off at Clark Park
A $5 donation is suggested (exact change please!) to help defray the costs

East KensingtonLocation: Southwest corner of E. Dauphin & Emerald, across from the Emerald Street Urban Farm
Time: 12:00-3:00 p.m.
Early Drop-Off at Greensgrow Farms at 2501 E. Cumberland Street

Mt. AiryLocation: Next to Gabbies Garden at Chew Ave near MT. Airy Ave
Time: 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
No Early Drop-Off

Saturday, January 8th:Fishtown/Olde RichmondLocation: Under I-95 Dog Park behind Port Richmond Shopping Center
Time 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon
Early Drop-Off at NKCDC Garden Center at 1825 Frankford Avenue
FairmountLocation: Eastern State Penitentiary at 22nd and Brown streets
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
No Early Drop-Off

Northern LibertiesLocation: Orianna Hill Dog Park on the 900 block of North Orianna Street, between 3rd and 4th and Poplar and Wildey streets.
Time: 9:00 am. - 3:00 p.m.
No Early Drop-Off

South PhiladelphiaLocation: Columbus Square Park at 13th and Reed streets
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Early Drop-Off: At northeast corner of 13th and Reed, donation can be dropped off at 1415 S. 13th St (private residence).

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1/4/11: Slow Green Days

Today I faced a challenge. Sick since the New Year, someone helped me out by bringing me food on a styrofoam plate. One of my goals was to avoid styrofoam at all costs. Well since did not want to be unappreciative, I had to go against my goal. That does not mean that I have changed my goals, it just means that I had a minor delay in progress...Moving forward now.

1/3/11: Living Green. Living Healthy

The new year hit me with a BANG - a bang of sickness. This made me realize that health consciousnes is as important as green consciousness. I have already decided to make steps in the right direction and that includes eating healthy. Eating healthy includes eating green.
A diet based more on plant-based foods than meats and dairy can lead to extra years of healthy living. (Six Arguments for a Greener Diet)
I can trace down the "source" of my sickness and I can also recall actions that I could have taken to avoid getting sick. Eating green can help you avoid chronic disease and foodborne illness. I will become even more agressive in my quest to eat greener.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

1/2/11: Green Sacrifices

Sometimes we make sacrifices in order to change. One of my Green Goals this year is to eat greener so I am sacrificing something I love, Starbucks Coffee, for one month in order to consume a coffee that is organic. Although Starbucks, one of my favorite organizations is sustainable and sells coffee that is responsibly grown and ethically traded, I am sacrificing it in order to drink an organic coffee. This will be a tough task but I plan complete it as a part of my plans to eat greener. In a month, will let you know the results.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1/1/11: A Greener Start

Welcome to my new blog, Living 365 Green Days. After completing a year of offering "Greenie Tips" daily, I decided to write this blog. Why? because I realized a few things: being "green" is a lifestyle, a daily way of changing the way you live; applying greenie tips; becoming "greener" is a daily activity that works along with having a desire to be a better person and living green requires an "authentic" approach to understanding, learning and evolving. In addition, I had already decided to add the activity of writing a log of my daily work as an entrepreneur, much of which will include green topics.

In this blog, I will write about my days and what "green" and "sustainable" activities I engaged in. My writing will include tips, daily routines, work and classes. 

A Greener Start:
Today, January 1, 2011, I submit my annual Green Goals or my Green Initiatives. This list compiles my plans to darken my shade of green in 2011. Each goal includes a strategic approach and a planned completion date. I look forward to feedback, comments and accountability from my readers.

  1. Eat Greener: Consume organic products and foods that are safer for the environment.
  2. Eliminate Styrofoam from my lifestyle completely: Avoid stores that serve in Styrofoam, avoid using the product in all ways. This includes refusing foods when served in the product.
  3. Network Green.
  4. Participate in Green Learning.
  5. Educate Green.
  6. Participate in Green Community Service Activities.
  7. Support Green causes, businesses, organizations.
  8. Reduce even more waste.
  9. Decrease energy consumption even more.
  10. Reduce water usage.